Why do you use technology? Explain how it affects your life.
I use technology when I use my kindle to read. I also use technology when I get on the computer and I learn and play games. Some more way I use technology is when I play on my brother's tablet and when I call people on my mom's phone and when I play games on her phone. Piper
I use the computer when I want to know the weather so I can get in just the right outfit. Talia
Technology is a good resource for school and home. At home I use my computer to play games and make powerpoints. At school I use technology to type reports. I also do Keyboarding afterschool. That is what technology means to me. Paulina
You use it to look things and read and play videos games. Ignace
I use technology by studying on my kindle fire. I also use my computer for doing Study Island. I use my Kindle again for reading online books. Clara
Technology means not a lot to me but I use it. I use it when reading a book on my nook, typing on word, and looking things up on the Internet. Caroline
Technology is fun. I like playing on the computer and the ipad. Leah
I do like technology that I like playing outside on sunny days and throing the ball to my dog and on rainy and cold days. I like to play with my toys inside. Annabel
I use it to helps me write. Aidan
I read books on my Kindle Fire. Kelly
I like to watch Netflix on my Ipad because my brother never lets me use the TV. Caroline
I lick to play outside and on my kindlier with my frend Kiye. Sara
I like to play game or watch TV when my mom is shopping. Giselle
Kindle fire and because so I can listen to music, and play games. I also like my iphone and I like the computer. Whit
My favorite technology is an I pad because you can do many different things like playing games and face time. Jesse
I like my Kendel so I can read and become a good reader. Sully
I like going on the internete and lissining to songs then make a video about me singing to kareockie. Skyli
My favoie technology is ipad. Nathan
I like to using my ipad tuch. and I like to warsh you toub. Isabelle
I use technology evrey day. At school I use computers for online test like Study island and state testing. at hom I use tec for games and face timing my dad when he is on trieps. Liam
I like technology for robotic spy planes and human droids (Robot) for the army and finding land mines. I use technology to play video games. Noah P.
I use tecnology to help study for brain training, practicing subjects. I need to improve on, and I also use it for youtube. Lili
I use technology to watch youtube. And look at pichutres of horses. Olivia
I like to use technology on my personal phone by texting and calling my friends and family to keep up to date with them. Also when you type the things and it corrects you and makes Funny words. James B.
I like it because I can email my dad when he ius on long trip. Graham